Monday, May 18, 2009

TV Finales.

TV is ending, as of late, forever. Or at least for the summer months to come.

Which will seem like forever. And all I have to look forward to is Mad Men, which comes back in August. And I guess I can look forward to the good weather.

Woo, good weather, Mad Men, and such.

But now is where Netflix becomes awesome. Also 30 Rock. Awesome.

We were recently delivered 30 Rock through Netflix, and it is cool! It's the best comedy on tv!

And I couldn't have done it without netflix.

So netflix is what shall henceforth (Seriously Justin? "Henceforth"?) be known as my summer survival system.

And I hope it is yours, too.

So, Yeah.


  1. I'm officially obsessed with Netflix. I currently have 156 movies/TV shows in my queue and that's not including the ones on my "saved" list which have yet to be released onto DVD.
    Uncle Peter loves 30 Rock. I'm not a fan yet. I think the humor is too....obvious?
    Have yet to watch the finale of LOST. It's tantalizing me on our DVR at the moment. Must wait until he has a night free and then we can finally sit down and savor it. Last night we had two episode to catch up on. Still trying to sort it all out in my addled brain.

  2. Your mom lets you watch Mad Men? I'm calling child services.
