Monday, March 15, 2010


Dave Grohl does not approve of Nick and Jessica.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The man your man could smell like.

I love this commercial:

Turns out this guy is Isaiah Mustafa, and he is on a horse.

He's got a twitter and a wikipedia page, look him up!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

In the Beginning, there was the Dave Grohl....

So, every now and then, I'll see a picture of Dave Grohl and think to myself, he kinda looks like someone I know. And I couldn't put my finger on it until one day, I saw this picture:

JESUS!!!! Dave Grohl is the Messiah!!!! We should have known. Of course, it was harder to tell this time without the prophecies and whatnot.

Well, now that I have found Jesus (turns out he was in the Foo Fighters the whole time), nothing left to do except sell all my earthly possessions and Follow his Eminent Grohliness.

Also, if there's a possibility that Jesus might be blonde, then this could easily be transferred over to Taylor Hawkins.